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Escape the Work Noise: 
Discover the Secret to a Calm Mind

Get our FREE Mini Video Series

For business owners who can't seem to turn off their work brain.

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Kari D.

"I want to share my gratitude for the classes. I absolutely love them. It’s a nice break in the day and the stretches are working those pain areas."

Rema S.

"Thank you again for holding the space to connect and spread mindfulness, calm, and peace to so many who need it these days – I deeply value and appreciate this time together. It breaks me out of my work routine & constant 'doing'.”

Anthony Y.

"It helps to clear my mind and is a big relief from sitting in front of a computer all day."

We help business owners calm their minds...
Katie + Nicole
Co-Founders, Unfold 

Here is the brutal truth: The modern work world is not designed with your well-being in mind. 


If you're like many of the women we work with, you find yourself battling the daily toll of an endless to-do list, work stress, and the physical discomfort that comes from hours spent at a desk.


You're always on the go, and it seems nearly impossible to find time for a much-needed break. Even when you do manage to carve out some time, your mind is still buzzing with work-related thoughts, making it tough to truly unwind and connect with your wellness needs.


But there's a glimmer of hope amidst this overwhelm, and that's where our Mini Video Series comes in. It's specially designed for busy, self-employed individuals who need simple, effective strategies to break free from the cycle of stress, aches, and sleepless nights.


Our 10-Minute Tune-Ups are bite-sized chair yoga and mindfulness exercises tailored to tackle the most common issues we hear from individuals like you - neck and back aches, mental overload, constant rush, and feeling alone in your wellness journey.


By investing just half an hour of your time spread across three days, you can kickstart your journey toward a more balanced and less stressful work-life. You'll not only feel a noticeable difference in your physical well-being, but also find it easier to switch off your work brain, leaving more room for joy, connection, and peace in your life.

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So, are you ready to unfold a new chapter in your wellness journey?.

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